These Pistachio Calcite Tumbles are highly beneficial for those who need courage to speak their truth and release what no longer serves them.
These crystals work directly with the Heart Chakra, balancing out emotions and releasing built up memories that may be causing your soul harm . This emotional release will free your soul, easing tension , anxiety, fear and resentment. Use these Pistachio Calcite Tumbles during Heart Chakra meditations. This will open and stimulate the heart, encouraging to bring love and light into your mind space and heart.. This stone will allow you to accept the past, stay in the present and be hopeful for the future.
Green Calcite is also a wonderful stone for communication. This stone will encourage you to speak your true feelings in all of your daily interactions , building self confidence and courage.
Product Specifications
Origin: Pakistan
Chakra: Third Eye , Heart and Throat
Size Small: 3/4″- 1 1/2″
Main Healing Properties
Promote relaxation and reduces anxiety and tension
Helps reduce harboring feelings
Helps attain spiritual enlightenment
Wards off negative energy
Improves mood by encouraging inner peace and harmony
How To Use Your Crystal
Keep in pocket to increase communication skills
Keep around house for spiritual enlightenment
Hold or place near Heart Chakra to increase emotional healing
Use to during meditation to find acceptance and forgiveness
Work with this stone to empower your higher self
Keep stone on desk to reduce stress and anxiety levels