Tigers Eye Tree of Life Necklace

Type: necklace
Color - Gold

This Tigers Eye Tree of Life Necklace is a symbol that represent interconnectedness, and serves as a powerful reminder to stay true to your roots. Wearing this Tigers Eye Tree of Life Necklace will provided you sense of balance, inner growth and complete renewal. This combination of Tigers Eye and the Tree of Life symbol can provide an abundant amount of balance inner awareness and a sense of wholeness. Making a connection with this necklace will ensure you become more self confident and doubting yourself and your decisions less frequently. This necklace will be implemental  for those who wish to remove fears of new experiences and opportunities.

More about Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye stones are a traditional stone that have been utilized thought out history Typically, Tiger’s Eye stones are used for protection to ward off evil or negative energy. These crystals are  good to use against an evil eye that has been casted towards you. These Tigers Eye crystals are perfect for placing in pockets, corners of the house or using in crystal grids for protection.

Tiger’s Eye active and empower the Solar Plexus. Having an activated Solar Plexus can increase your confidence level, determination and will power. These crystal can assist with attracting new opportunities and particularly help focus the mind to achieve your goals. Additionally, these crystals are beneficial for those who experience ADHD symptoms as Tiger’s Eye brings balance to the mind and reduces scattered brain.

KEY NOTES: =Chain length is approx 17″ long

How To Use Your Crystal

  • Keep on body to deflect negative energy and evil eye
  • Hang around house for spiritual protection
  • Hold or place on Solar Plexus to active this chakra
  • Use to bring focus to the mind
  • work with this stone to empower your inner self
  • keep stone on desk for will power and determination

Main Healing Properties

  • Cleanses and Activates the Solar Plexus
  • Strong psychic and spiritual protection
  • Extremely balancing for the mind, body and soul
  • Deflects negativity, provides emotional support
