White Sage energy cleansing sticks are extremely beneficial for purifying negative energy that is attached you, your environment or surrounding objects. Here is a quick run down of the energy cleansing process. Of course, this is just a quick reference , always follow your intuition and do what feels right for you.
- First, light the end of the sage stick, creating a thick stream of purifying smoke. Ensure you have lit it sufficiently or the stick will burn out quickly
- Keep your abalone shell or energy cleansing pot close by to catch the falling ashes
- Starting at your front door, use your feather to distribute the smoke to all corners of the home .Following the perimeter of your home, while moving in a clockwise direction. Stopping and paying extra attention to areas that have dense energy.
- Continue the process until every room is complete
- For energy cleansing yourself wave the energy cleansing stick intuitively back and forth from head to toe , ensuring you cleanse your entire aura.
- To Cleanse your crystals or objects: pass them through the smoke until they feel lighter and purified.
- Once Cleansing ritual is complete, snuff your energy cleansing stick out entirely in bottom of your abalone shell or energy cleansing pot and save for next time.