Raw Black Tourmaline


Raw Black Tourmaline is a highly popular stone as it is used during spiritual practices. Mainly, Black Tourmaline crystals are used for their ability to unblock and expand the whole Chakra system , but especially working on the Root Chakra. These raw stones will purify the Root Chakra leaving you feeling grounded, calm and balanced. Additionally, these  black stones will lighten and disperse dense energy, releasing tension. Mentally, Raw Black Tourmaline is healing and balancing for both hemispheres of the brain, turning negative thought patters into positive thought patterns.

Another healing property Black Tourmaline posses is its ability to protect you, your family, and home. Placing Black Tourmaline in all corners of the home and near door ways , creates a energy barrier that deflects negative energy. This barrier will protect you from psychic and spiritual attacks and will protect your energy while you sleep.

KEY NOTES: Chakra: Root| Size : Small 1/2-3/4′,x 1/2″  Medium 1″-1 3/4″x  3/4″ Large:  1 3/4″- 2″ x 1″ approx.

How To Use Your Crystal

  • Keep in pocket to deflect negative energy
  • Keep in bedroom to keep your energy protected during sleep
  • Create a house gird to create protective barrier
  • Use to cleanse aura and unblock root chakra
  • work with this stone to reduce anger and rage
  • keep stone on desk to keep you grounded and calm under stress

Main Healing Properties

  • Cleanses and Activates Root Chakra
  • Strong psychic protection
  • Extremely healing for the mind, body and soul
  • Deflects negativity, provides emotional support
  • Reduces anger
