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Lapis Tumbles


are a very sacred, spiritual stone. It is known to be one of the most ancient stones available on the market.

Lapis Lazuli is highly priced stone with a rich history, in fact, this stone is mentioned in many historical artifacts. Lapis tumbles are a must have, if you are wanting to experience a spiritual awakening leading to enlightenment. These crystals expand the Throat and Crown Chakras, deepen the connection with your higher self and spirit guides. Lapis encourages self awareness, self expression and honesty, and in turn, this will bring deep inner peace and wisdom.

How To Use 

  • Use Lapis Tumbles to increase spiritual awareness and awakening either by simply holding the tumble or by placing on the Third Eye during meditation. This will unlock spiritual capabilities, and build a bond with your higher self and spirit guides.
  • Keep Lapis crystals in your pocket or bag to open lines of communication
  • Use Lapis tumbles to manifest inner trust ,honest, courage and self expression

Main Healing Properties

  • Expands the Throat & Third Eye
  • Encourages self expression , honesty and speaking the truth
  • Helps attain spiritual enlightenment
  • Wards off spiritual attacks  / negative energy
  • Improves mood by encouraging  contentment  and inner peace

Product Specifications

  • Origin: Afghanistan
  • Chakra Throat | Third Eye
  • Size: 1″ – 13/4″approx.