The Third Eye Chakra: Your Guide to Inner Wisdom

The Third Eye Chakra: Your Guide to Inner Wisdom

The Third Eye Chakra: Your Guide to Inner Wisdom

What is the Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)?

This is the third eye symbol

The Third Eye Chakra, or Ajna, is the sixth chakra located between the eyebrows, and it governs intuition, insight, and inner wisdom.

the third eye chakra is positioned directly in between the two eyebrows
Color: Indigo
Element: Light

    When balanced, the Third Eye Chakra allows us to tap into our intuition, make clear decisions, and connect with our higher self. A blocked Third Eye Chakra can lead to confusion, lack of focus, and an inability to see the bigger picture.

    Symptoms of a Blocked Third Eye Chakra

    read our third eye chakra blog to learn recognize and balance energy blockages

    If your Third Eye Chakra is blocked, you might experience:

    • Mental Symptoms: Difficulty in concentrating, overthinking, and a lack of clarity.
    • Emotional Symptoms: Feeling disconnected from intuition, experiencing fear of the unknown, or being overly judgmental.
    • Physical Symptoms: Headaches, vision problems, and issues with the sinuses.

    How to Balance the Third Eye Chakra



    read out blog to discover affirmations that will help release blockages within the third eye chakra


    Use these affirmations to open your Third Eye Chakra and enhance intuition:

    • “I trust my intuition and inner wisdom.”
    • “I see clearly and perceive truth.”
    • “My mind is open to new insights and understanding.”


    here in this blog we list some foods that are nurturing for your third eye chakra


    Nourish your Third Eye Chakra with foods that support brain function and mental clarity:

    • Dark-colored fruits and vegetables like blueberries, blackberries, and eggplant resonate with the indigo color of the Third Eye Chakra.
    • Nuts and seeds, particularly walnuts and flaxseeds, support brain health.
    • Herbal teas such as peppermint, rosemary, and lavender enhance mental clarity and intuition.

    Yoga Poses:

    learn which yoga poses are beneficial for the third eye chakra


    Poses that stimulate the brow area and enhance focus can help to release blockages and awaken your Third Eye:

    Child’s Pose (Balasana)
    child pose is one of the yoga poses we discuss in our third eye chakra blog
    Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
    downward facing down is another great yoga pose we mention in our comprehensive third eye chakra blog
    Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)



      Practice the Kalesvara Mudra to open and balance the Third Eye Chakra.

      How to Perform:

      1. Sit comfortably in a cross-legged position or on a chair.
      2. Bring the tips of the middle fingers together, pointing them upwards.
      3. Touch the tips of the thumbs together, pointing them towards the body.
      4. Fold the other fingers inward, touching the backs of the fingers together.
      5. Hold this mudra in front of your Third Eye (between your eyebrows).
      6. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and visualize an indigo light glowing at your Third Eye center.
      7. Hold this mudra for 5-10 minutes during meditation.

      Benefits: The Kalesvara Mudra helps to calm the mind, enhance concentration, and open the Third Eye Chakra, allowing for deeper insight and intuition.

      Essential Oils for the Third Eye Chakra

      essential oils can play a huge role in creating space within the third eye chakra


      Essential oils can be powerful tools for balancing and healing the Third Eye Chakra. Oils that promote mental clarity, intuition, and spiritual insight are particularly beneficial:

      • Frankincense: Enhances spiritual awareness and deepens meditation, supporting the connection with higher consciousness.
      • Sandalwood: Promotes clarity and calm, helping to clear the mind and enhance focus.
      • Lavender: Calms the mind and body, easing stress and promoting a deeper connection with intuition.
      • Clary Sage: Encourages clear thinking and visionary insight, making it easier to access inner wisdom.

      How to Use:

      use a variety of methods to implement essential oils into your third eye chakra health routine
      • Diffuse: Add a few drops of Frankincense or Sandalwood essential oil to your diffuser during meditation or yoga to enhance spiritual awareness and intuition.
      • Topical Application: Dilute Lavender or Clary Sage essential oil with a carrier oil and apply to your forehead (Third Eye area) to calm the mind and enhance insight.
      • Inhalation: Inhale directly from the bottle or add a drop to your hands, rub them together, and breathe in deeply before engaging in activities that require focus or intuitive thinking.

      Third Eye Chakra Healing Stones


      Healing stones are effective tools for balancing the Third Eye Chakra. These stones resonate with the energies of intuition, insight, and inner wisdom:

      amethyst is a wonderful stone to activate the third eye chakra
      Known for its powerful spiritual properties, Amethyst enhances intuition and promotes a calm, meditative state.
      lapis lazuli crystals are  known to have a direct connect with the third eye chakra
      A stone of wisdom and truth, Lapis Lazuli helps to open the Third Eye and enhance inner vision.
      sodalite crystals can be used for the activation of the third eye chakra
      Encourages rational thought and intuition, making it easier to access and trust your inner wisdom.

        For a curated selection of these powerful stones, explore our Third Eye Chakra Crystal Set. This set is designed to help you tap into your intuition, enhance your inner vision, and connect with your higher self, making it the perfect companion for your Third Eye Chakra healing journey.

        Daily Practices to Balance the Third Eye Chakra

        Incorporating daily practices into your routine can help maintain a balanced Third Eye Chakra. Here are some simple yet effective ways to nurture intuition and insight in your life:


        5 Mins of Meditation: Practice daily meditation, focusing on your Third Eye area to enhance clarity and connect with your inner wisdom.

        Daily Visualization: Visualize your goals and dreams clearly, allowing your Third Eye to guide you towards the steps needed to achieve them.

        Journal at least once a day: Keep a journal of your dreams and intuitive insights, helping you to track patterns and messages from your subconscious mind.

          Introducing Pendulum Chakra Healing Sessions

          Zen Collection is now offering chakra healing sessions to help you find blockages and clear them away leaving you feeling happy and balanced

          If you’re seeking deeper healing and personalized guidance, consider our Chakra Pendulum Healing Sessions. During these sessions, we use a pendulum to identify blockages in your Third Eye Chakra, providing you with tailored recommendations for crystals, affirmations, and practices that can help you enhance your intuition and inner wisdom.

          Final Thoughts: Embracing Your Intuition and Inner Wisdom

          Balancing the Third Eye Chakra is essential for connecting with your intuition, gaining clarity, and accessing your inner wisdom. By incorporating affirmations, yoga, crystals, essential oils, and healing practices into your daily life, you can restore balance to your Ajna Chakra and open yourself up to higher levels of consciousness and understanding.

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