6th Sense Connection Oracle Cards


6th Sense Connection Oracle Cards are not just another deck of oracle cards! They offer a more comprehensive experience:

  • Help to see down the tunnel or looking glass of your own excellent but often unrecognized intuition
  • Affirmations and recommended crystals to help you along your path to a happier, more fulfilling life
  • Daily tools to tap your super-consciousness, or the voice of your soul, your Higher Self, or that which is transcendent for you

They will soon become a part of your daily routine.

Similar to a tarot deck, this very positive deck, created by internationally-renowned psychic medium Anne-Marie McCormack, will answer your core questions and deliver uplifting, positive suggestions to help you make course corrections to your advantage. However, unlike a tarot deck, 6th Sense Connection Oracle Cards is a divination deck requiring no special training or experience to use, so you can quickly tap their substantial benefits. You can do your own card readings or even learn to read for others.

The guidance you receive can make a large impact or offer small, subtle clues which are truly signposts for our daily life and your spiritual journey.

With regular use, you will soon learn to trust your own internal navigator, which is constantly providing the intuitive map you often need at the many decision points with which we are confronted daily. The decisions you make are constantly changing the course of your life; why not obtain the daily and life wisdom these cards can provide to assist you in deciding which fork in the road to take? How you choose to apply or follow them is always up to you.

These cards will help you to access the guidance and core truths you have always possessed. Why not own 6th Sense Connection Oracle Cards, a best friend and companion on your mind"*"body"*"spirit journey to greater happiness, personal fulfillment, and inner peace?

Product Specifications

  • Cards: 52 oracle card deck .
  • Guidebook: Yes
  • Language: English
  • Author: Anne-Marie McCormack
  • Dimensions:  5.5 × 3.75 × 1.5 in

About the Author

Anne-Marie McCormack is an award-winning author, teacher, and celebrated psychic medium. She has been helping people throughout the world with her psychic gifts since the 1980s. She's appeared on TV and has had her own internet radio show. She is the founder of 6th Sense Connection, which started out as a spiritual store in Cassadaga, Florida, and moved online in 2013. This enabled her to spend more time writing, exploring, teaching, and doing more spiritual consultations and broadcasts to anyone who has an internet connection via social media and video conferencing. She has spent her life working as a psychic medium and is also an accomplished businesswoman. Her passion is connecting people with Spirit, Angels, and higher vibrational energy. She loves sharing her gifts with others and has created the 6th Sense Connection Oracle Cards and workbook so that others may find or expand their own intuitive connection to the divine. Anne-Marie believes the future isn't cast in stone and we all have free will. Her messages from spirit are delivered with humor, kindness, and compassion. The one consistent thing about life is it changes, so if you don't like your current circumstances it's never too late to do something positive about them! All you need is a little know-how and the right attitude because we are all masters of our own destinies. She's a part-time Florida resident and when she's not traveling, she spends the rest of her time in Tameside, UK, just a few miles from where she was born. It was at an early age her psychic gifts became apparent, thankfully she came from a long line of psychic mediums and was able to get the help she needed to nurture her spiritual gifts. Anne-Marie loves spending time with family, gardening, writing, and dancing. She decided a long time ago that no matter what comes her way it will be met with gratitude, love, and compassion. Her other interests include exploring all types of mystical paths, spiritually, reiki, spiritual healing, and crystals.


Frequently Asked Oracle Card Questions

Q: Are Oracle cards the same as Tarot cards?
A: Oracle cards and Tarot cards differ significantly in structure and purpose. Tarot cards follow a traditional 78-card system with specific meanings, while oracle cards are more flexible, varying in the number of cards and themes. Oracle cards often focus on providing positive guidance without the rigid structure of Tarot.

Q: Can anyone use Oracle cards?
A: Yes, anyone can use oracle cards. You don’t need any special skills or spiritual awareness to start. Oracle cards are designed to be a tool for self-reflection and personal guidance, making them accessible to everyone.

Q: Do Oracle cards work?
A: Oracle cards work by helping you tap into your intuition and connect with a higher power or your subconscious mind. They provide insights and guidance rather than predict the future with exact accuracy, making them a powerful tool for personal growth and decision-making.

Q: Are Oracle cards safe?
A: Yes, oracle cards are safe to use. They are designed to offer positive and constructive guidance, focusing on personal development and self-reflection. There’s no harm in using oracle cards as a tool for gaining insight into your life.

Q: How do Oracle cards work?
A: Oracle cards function as a medium through which you can receive guidance from your intuition or a higher power. When you ask a question, the cards offer messages through their symbolism, which you interpret based on your inner thoughts and feelings.

Q: How should I cleanse Oracle cards?
A: You can cleanse your oracle cards using several methods, such as using sound (e.g., bells or singing bowls), placing them under moonlight, or using crystals like clear quartz or selenite. Regular cleansing helps keep the cards energetically clear and ready for accurate readings.

Q: What is the best Oracle card deck for beginners?
A: The best deck for beginners is one that resonates with you personally. Look for a deck with positive messages and clear imagery that you can easily understand. Popular choices include decks with themes of love, guidance, and affirmation.

Q: Do you prefer Tarot cards or Oracle cards? Why?
A: Preference varies among individuals. Tarot cards offer more structure and are often used for detailed readings, while oracle cards are more flexible and focused on positive guidance. Some people prefer the simplicity and ease of oracle cards, especially for daily use.

Q: Can you mix Oracle and Tarot decks?
A: Yes, you can mix oracle and Tarot decks in a reading. Many readers use oracle cards alongside Tarot to provide additional insights or a different perspective on a situation. The two can complement each other well.